The Headmaster's Diary - 1939.

Victoria School - Kurseong.



I, Eryx (Eryx) Vere Staynor, took over the officiating appointment of Headmaster on the forenoon of the 2nd March, 1939, vice Mr E.C. Hessing, the permanent Head, whose leave ex India dates from today.

The first party arrived under the charge of Messrs Bloud and V.C. Prins.

Mr D. Prins who is to act as English Master during Mr Clark’s absences on leave arrived today.

Arrival of the second party under the charge of Messrs Baillie and Doyle.

Arrival also of :
Miss Simmons who is to act as Art Mistress during Mrs Clark’s absence on leave.
Mr T. R. Gasper who is to fill the temporary vacancy created by my promotion to the Headship.

We start the session with a complete Staff.

Staff Meeting. Among the important points discussed was the new scheme of duties by which some members are to take charge of the Senior dormitory in the morning and Messrs Price and Heywood are to be responsible for games throughout the School.

Commencment of regular clsses.

Holiday to celebrate the Schools great success at the Cambridge Examinations.

Juniors - 15 passed out of 17
Seniors – 17 passed out of 18.

* The Prefects for the year are the whole Senior Class viz.

E. Breese (Senior Prefect),

S. Bowen,


G. Hilton,

B. St. Romaine,

R. Smart,

G. Bishop and

J. Timbers.

Also the xxx I.A. Boarders, J. Jacob and L. Bufford.

Cricket Match: boys Vs Staff: the Staff won after an exciting finish.

Joint Concert held at Dow Hill to say farewell to Mr and Mrs R.N. Nicholls. A silver salver, subscribed for by the pupils and Staff of the two Schools, was presented to Mr and Mrs R.N. Nicholls in token of all they had done.

The P.W.D. again advise a cautious and restricted use of water. Irony in some form is inevitable; but why it should take the form of water shortage in Kurseong the P.W.D. alone can tell.

7th – 10th
Easter Holidays.

School Picnic.

Dance at Dow Hill.

Holiday granted at the Nicholl’s request.

Cricket Match against the Planters. The Planters considered it a well contested game. They won by a comfortable margin but only when they got our last man out, two minutes before the close of play.

37th General Meeting of the Governing Body held at Victoria School. Dr. W.A. Jenkins presided.

Cricket Match against St Pauls School on our grounds. We won by 2 wickets.

H. Thomas
8 May, 1939.

6th – 8th
The School Office was inspected by Dr H. Thomas, Inspector of European Schools, Bengal.
He also discussed with the headmaster the improvements and extensions it may be possible to bring about when the accommodation now taken up by the two classes at the Commercial is released on their transfer to Dow Hill School.

The first number of “The Vic” appeared today.

Nine boys were confirmed at a Confirmation Service conducted by The Metropolitan at the School Chapel.

The King Emperor’s Birthday.

A dance was held at the Assembly Hall.

We have just heard of a very successful Old Boy’s reunion held at 42 Cornwallis St. Calcutta. The promoter was Fr Prior of the Oxford Mission.

Staff Meeting to discuss the prospects of the Cambridge Candidates.

The Scouts left for Dacca this afternoon. We expect them back next Monday.

The Annual Fete proved a great success.

Meeting of the Teaching Staff.

The stunning news was received by wireless this morning of the Soviet – German non-aggression pact.

The District team came to play us in hockey, but rain made play impossible.

England declared war on Germany at 11 o’clock G.M. Time.

[The Headmaster has certainly got his priorities in order - first the sports, then the announcement of World War II commencing ! :-) Editor.]

Our second replay in the semi-finals of the Pliva Shield Tournament. We were beaten by the Police in ‘extra-extra’ time.

Mr John Sergeant, Educational Commissioner visited the School. He showed particular interest in the arrangements for Carpentry teaching.

Joint Junior Jubilee Sports held at Dow Hill.

Joint Senior Jubilee Sports held at Victoria. The partnership was a great success. There was a record gathering, while the use of a Public Address Amplifier contributed to the pleasure and efficiency of the afternoon.

Mr R.H.G. Johnstone I.C.S., Deputy Commissioner presided and Mrs Johnstone gave away the prizes. Over 300 people sat for tea.

Dr H. Thomas, Inspector of European Schools, Bengal, called to discuss plans for the provision of a better laboratory.

Mr T.W. Clark resumed work after a curtailed spell of leave.

School final examinations commence.

Speech day. Mr A.B. Scott I.C.S. (S.D.O. ) presided and Mrs Scott gave away the prizes.
The Hall was crowded.

The Senior boys presented “The Bishop’s Candlesticks” in Part II of the programme.

Mr T.W. Clark leaves for Army service.

The non-examination classes leave for the holidays in one party.

The Cambridge Examinations commence.

19 Juniors and 8 Seniors.

No precautions were taken against the loss of answer papers in transit to England.

Departure of the Cambridge party.


E.V. Staynor
Headmaster (Offg.)


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