Arrival of the first party under the charge of Messrs Bloud and Clark.
Mr Innis and Mr Doyle the new staff members came up with the party.
Arrival of the second party.
Classes commence after a short Staff meeting. At the meeting the class
time-table and the School routine were discussed.
The Headmaster explained the provision in the New prospectus for a remove
class between the Junior and Senior School Certificate classes. This provision
should be interpreted for the present in such a way that promotion from
the J.C. to the S.C. should still be regarded as normal for the average
boy of proper age. The 'Remove' was to be used as (?) for backward boys
and boys who were considered too young for the S.C. class. The Staff were
not in agreement with the principle of doing the S.C. course in one year,
but deferred to the spirit of the rules of the prospectus.
They, however, pointed out that the associations in the School with the
word 'Remove' were degrading and discouraging. They proposed that this
class should be known as Preparatory S.C. The Headmaster agreed and his
proposal has been adopted.
The School Prefects were appointed.
W. Senior Prefect,
L., (?)
Mr Prins joined the School today after long leave.
We heard at 2 pm of the death, a few hours back, of Majir S.B. Mukerjee,
the School doctor.
was closed for the remainder of the afternoon as a mark of respect to
his memory.
The new tennis court for the senior boys was opened today.
I visited Class V while a Hindi lesson was in progress. I am going to
insist that in future the boys address Mr Singh as "Sir" and
not as "Munshi". I feel that this will help towards giving them
the proper attitude to the subject.
I spoke to Class VI today on the future importance of the vernacular.
J. Rogers of Class VI was taken to hospital today. The doctor has pronounced
his case of one of pneumonia of the left lung.
Mr Tandy Green, Superintendent Engineer, and Mr Nunn, the Exec Engineer,
Darjeeling, visited the School today. The main purpose of their visit
was to examine and discuss with the headmaster schemes for the expansion
of School accommodation for the provision of accommodation for Roman Catholic
Fire Alarm Drill - Discipline and turn-out satisfactory.
The 31st general Meeting of the Governing Body was held at Victoria today.
10 to 13th
Easter Holidays
Elton was entertained to tea by the newly formed tennis club.
Rogers (Class VI), was taken home by his mother today on the doctor's
orders. He has made a good recovery from Pneumonia, but the doctor thinks
he ought to leave the hills for a time.
A new feature introduced into the Wednesday evening program - the 'free'
evening in the middle of the evening was set aside for cultural instruction
and entertainment as opposed to the usual classwork and study. A series
of short lectures on general topics has been added to the programme. The
first of the series was delivered today - a lecture on wireless (?) by
the Headmaster.
Advent of electric light ! - at 5.30 pm.
The School takes a sudden bound towards modernisation and efficiency.
Staff meeting to discuss school bounds, the programme of the 'free' evening
(Wednesday) and forest walks.
Arrival of the 'outside' auditors. Messrs S.C. Basu, J.V. Bannerjee and
A.D. Bhattacharjee.
of our boys were confirmed at a service at the School Chapel by the Metropolitan
of India.
A cricket match - the School eleven Vs Col Thurstone's XI from Darjeeling.
Col Thurstone, the A.D.M.S., in his M.C.C. blazer and cap was a source
of inspiration to both sides. He had mustered a strong XI and we are grateful
for the standard set. Our boys responded with a fine display.
Darjeeling 150 all out
Victoria 99 all out.
Mr A. North, the Supdt. Engineer, Electrical, and Mr H. Marchant, Executive
Engineer, Eastern Electrical Division inspected the whole electrical installation
today. They have noted many deficiencies for immediate correction. The
Electrical Department have shown much interest in the School.
7th - 8th
Inspection by Mr James Buchanan, the Physical Director.
entry is followed by the signature etc…[Editor]
R. Wolfenden
The School and office were inspected by Mr R. Wolfenden, Inspector of
European Schools, Bengal.
Departure of the Government Auditors
Inspectors Holiday.
Cricket match Vs Bangalass (?) College. The School won.
The first term examinations commence.
21st - 22nd
The Scouts attended the All Bengal Jackson Shield competition at Darjeeling.
Examinations resumed.
29th - 30th
Long weekend holiday before commencement of second term.
Capt. Ostenhaus showed some cinema recordings of his world travels - 7
The College Department was inspected by the Calcutta University College
Inspectors, Mr H.G. Mukerji and Dr Sen.
Twenty-five of the biggest boys were the guests of Mr and Mrs W. Cook
of Dilaram. They were shown over the factory and instructed about tea-growing
and tea-making.
I, Edward Charles Garrett Ian Hessing, took over charge of the office
of Headmaster from Mr E.V. Staynor, who proceeded on leave for one month
and nine days, Mr Innes continued to act as Mathematics master during
the absence on leave of Mr Staynor.
The names of 190 boys appear on the Roll but there are 7 notices of withdrawal.
These take effect within the next few days.
H.M. The King's Birthday. A whole holiday in celebration of this.
The School was represented at the celebrations in Kurseong by members
of the Staff, Cadets, Scouts and Cubs. Prayers for His Majesty were said
at morning Chapel and the National Anthem sung.
Mr Texeisa reported that, in correcting P. Flynn for an offence in class,
he had struck him with a ruler and cut his head. Flynn was sent to hospital
for treatment. Mr Texeisa has frequently been advised of the Government
order on the subject of corporal punishment and I repeated it to him today.
The day being fine, I gave the boys a whole holiday.
Last evening three boys, Mott or Molt (?), Ferdinand and Kennedy absented
themselves without permission and made their way to Siliguri. There they
were stopped by the police at my request and brought back today by Mr
Heywood and his Prefects.
I have gathered from the boys concerned and from others in the School
that there has been in the past few months a considerable amount of bullying.
Yesterday's escapade had been planned some months ago and carried out
at the first convenient opportunity when the School was engaged in watching
a match against St Pauls. A strong undercurrent of discontent, flowing
for months past had, with the flight of these three boys, come to the
have today been informed that since the beginning of term a number of
boys have been receiving credit from the Dow Hill stores. In some cases
small boys have become indebted to the extent of Rs 15/- and more. I have
written to the proprietor of the stores denying on behalf of the School
any indebtedness and requesting him to refrain from giving credit in future.
this point…..Pages 27 to 30 inclusive, have been torn out of the
Diary. That is from 6th of July to July 8th inclusive, is missing. A lot
of pages for just 3 days. One must wonder what it was that was torn out!
[Editor, Johnf].
Long days of continuous rain. It has been quite impossible for boys to
get in any games. The Hall is leaking in at least 8 places and the gymnasium
has been abandoned to the elements.
21st - 23rd
These days, three in all, have been given up to holidays. The weather
has been so bad and the School so indescribably wet, that it had become
essential to allow the boys free use of a fine day. These days have been
bright and sunny.
The School came out of quarantine on the 21st.
Work resumed after the holidays. Mr H. Elton stayed at my house and presented
the School with a magnificent wireless set - one of his many gifts to
us. Only a short time ago, he completed a promise made last year - to
present an electric gramophone. This gift has been immensely popular.
Our 1st Hockey XI went to Goethals School and suffered a defeat.
The wireless set has proved most satisfactory. The time for dinner has
been advanced from 6.30 to 6.5 - this will enable boys to listen to the
news which comes through at 6.30. Night preparation begins at the usual
Mr Doyle handed over charge of his officiating appointment (Middle School
Teacher, vice Mr Baillie, on leave). And proceeded to Mount Hermon School,
Darjeeling where he has accepted an appointment as Geography Master. I
am sorry to lose Mr Doyle. He has proved himself to be a good teacher
a fine hockey player and popular with the boys. He is also an old boy
of Victoria, the first to return here as an Assistant Master.
My second clerk, Nakinleswar Ganguly today proceeded on leave for four
months, his place being taken by the temporary third clerk, Subendranath
Mr Baillie returned from leave and took over charge of his office as Middle
School Master in the forenoon.
Held a 'Fair' in the School this afternoon. Partly in aid of Charity and
partly to supplement our Entertainment Fund. The whole day was wet but
in some respects this was an advantage. The proceeds should, judging by
the success of the side shows exceed those of last years.
8th - 10th
Almost the worst four days of recent years - days of heavy rain and fierce
gales. The first "break" came this afternoon when I allowed
the boys to enjoy what sunshine we had.
I received today a complete list of Victorians who served in the Great
War. The list will be found appended to the end of this volume. (it is
still there…Johnf).
The Staff assembled in my office this afternoon to discuss among other
things the allotment of funds available from the School 'Fair'.
It was decided on my recommendation
1. To send Rs 200/- to the A.I and D.E Federation for the education of
a boy selected by the Federation. The only conditions upon the grant was
made is that the Federation sends us the name of the boy, by the name
of the School to which he is sent and the usual School reports.
2. To give gratuities to the servants up to a maximum of Rs 20/-
3. To allot Rs 80/- to the Scouts and Cubs.
4. To give the remainder to the Games and Entertainment Funs.
Standing Committee meeting in Kurseong today. The transactions of the
committee will be found in the usual file.
Mr Griffiths, D.C. Darjeeling visited me today and asked me about the
Tuberculosis Sanatorium which was being built at Helen's Lodge nearby.
I told him all we had done in this matter and took him down to Helen's
Lodge. He was of the opinion that nothing could be done to prevent the
establishment of the sanatorium.
Busy with the reports and bills which went off on the 1st.
Our 1st XI gained its first Hockey victory over Goethals XI today. Our
prospects in the Pliva Shield tournament are therefore higher. St Mary's
have recently defeated us.
Dr Jenkins today accepted my invitation to preside at our Speech day and
fixed Wednesday Oct 7th for this function.
Our 1st XI defeated St Pauls School in the 2nd round of the Pliva Shield
Tournament today. We now meet St Josephs in the semi final.
Second term examinations began today, and will continue until the 24th.
St Josephs defeated us in the semi-final of the Hockey Shield after a
close and excellent game,
Canon C. Pearson conducted the services in the School Chapel today, Mr
Elliott proceeding to Darjeeling in his place. This interchange of Chaplains
occasionally is good for us.
The Most Reverend Lord Bishop of Calcutta visited the School today, and
met the Staff and confirmed boys in the School Library, then he talked
on his recent visit to Australia. He is staying tonight at the house.
I will 'celebrate' tomorrow morning.
The Metropolitan left the School today. (I omitted to mention the meeting
of the Governing Body on Monday 28th September).
Speech Day at Victoria. Dr and Mrs Jenkins presided and Sir John Woodhead
came as a visitor. This is Sir John's third visit to the School. After
Speeches and Prize distribution, the choirs gave a few songs and the Physical
Training squads gave displays. The day ended with tea in the Hall and
a dance afterwards.
The School went to Dow Hill in the afternoon for Dow Hill Speech Day.
Victoria School's Sports day. Mr and Mrs Nicholls presided. The events
were completed with the usual efficiency. For the third year in succession,
two boys tied for the Director of Public Instruction Medal.
First day of the Pujah holidays. A number of boys left for the Pujah Holidays
after Chapel this morning.
Mr Prins with 14 scouts left for camp at Mirik. We decided this year not
to compete for the Jackson XXX Shields - hitherto almost the monopoly
of Victoria School. The boys preferred to go camp.
Several old boys are staying with us - camping out in the gymnasium and
boarding themselves.
The Lower School - classes (I and II) went to Dow Hill School for a party
today. Class IV went for a picnic in charge of Mr Bloud.
Classes recommenced today.
Dow Hill School Sports. Whole School attended.
Using the epidiascope for the first time. I gave a lecture in the Hall
on the "Medieval Castle".

very epidiascope, (photo taken in 2001).
Rev. Fr. Pitz of St Marys College gave a lecture on "The Alps",
in the School Library. Father Pitz had many beautiful slides.
Last night of term. Xmas tree for the Juniors and a bonfire.
First party left under Messrs Prins and Clark. Mr C.A. Price handed over
charge of his office and proceeded on leave. The Rev. G.B. Elliott also
left for leave.
Second party left under Messrs Staynor and Cald????.
Cambridge Examinations began today. Rev Fr. Indeken, St Mary's Collge
presiding, and Mr HM (?) Ballie (?) assisting. We have entered 30 candidates.
10 for the Seniors and 20 for the Junior Examination.
Cambridge Examinations ended today and the Cambridge Party left in the
evening in charge of Mr T.D. Nugent
Mrs Nugent's appointment as lady Housekeeper commenced today.
for a brief period in January, I have remained on duty during this vacation.
The winter has been exceptionally cold and lately, wet.
from this, usual office matters and the supervision of PWD work. The only
items of interest are given below.
June 26th I received Mrs Colletts (?) resignation. She had accepted a
non (?) post at St Pauls, Darjeeling. the school will miss Mrs Collett
who has done good work throughout the period of her appointment here.
Mr WD (?) is working as PA to the D.P.I. My information is that he mayrevert
to Victoria, but until he does, temporary arangements must be made.
On Feb 23rd Mr Flxxxxs(?), Steward of the school handed in his resignation
and departed the same day. I am not sorry to lose Mr Flxxxs. His work
here has been most unsatisfactory and it was my intention to ask the Governing
Body, in May, to refuse him confirmation.
In January, I received permission to admit Indian pupils as boarders to
a maximum of 15%. I have already a number of Indian Day scholars, but
it will obviously take time before that number is (?) by Indian boarders.