The Headmaster's Diary - 1924

Victoria School - Kurseong.



February 22nd

Took over charge of the School from Mr. P.M. O’Riordan who left by mail in the afternoon.

Two Berry children down with enteric.

The Berry’s, Mrs Butler & Mrs Butler and Mrs Nugent are the only members of the staff on the premises.

February 23rd

I asked . Dr Mukerjee what is attending the Berry children to send me a report on the cases for the information of the Civil Medical officer.

February 25th

Forwarded . Dr Mukerjee's report to Dr Winckler,

Moved the sick children to the Central Hospital, with Miss Davies permission and under Dr Mukerjee’s supervision, Further delay in removing the second case was considered risky, Informed Dr Winckler at once. The remainder of the family was moved into the rooms above the armoury to leave Mr Berry’s quarters free to be disinfected.

February 26th

Dr Winckler replied to my letter of yesterday requesting me to send the sick child to Kurseong Charitable dispensary (European ward) for treatment, I refused to do this, and circulated the correspondence between Dr Winckler and myself to the standing Committee who unanimously approved of my action in the matter.

February 27

Dr Winckler called on me this morning and offered to take over the sick case, But I informed him that the patient wished Dr Mukerjee to continue treating the child, and since the children were under the care of their parents, this being vacation time, I was not in a position to interfere with their choice of their medical advisor.

March 8th.

The first party of boys arrived today Messrs Bailie and Niblett escorted them up from Calcutta.

March 9th

Second party under Mr Staynor and Miss Baker arrived.

March 10th

Opened School, Work was distributed as follows:-

Standard I Mrs Barnes Vice Mrs Sharp (on leave)

Standard II Miss Baker

Standard III Mr Orr. Mr Ewing (vice) Mrs Merces,

He Kindly offered to help in turn for board (with the boys) and lodging.

Standard IV Mrs Nugent Mr Sharp Vice on leave.

Standard V and VI Mr Baillie, No Successor in Mr Prices post.

Standard VII Mr Niblett

Standard VIII Mr Nugent

Standard IX & X Mr Staynor.

Upper School

Mr Niblett, History, in StandardsVII, VIII, IX, X
English in Standards VI, Vii, VIII, X
English Comprehension only in IX

Mr Bailie Standard V English, Maths, Latin and Geography
Standard VI Maths

Mr Staynor Maths Standards VII and X, English Text Standard IX

Mr Nugent Latin StandardsVI, X Scripture VIII, X
Geography in Standards VI,VII.

March 15th

Unfortunate accident today, Gasper ran down the Khud from the main school flat to the cricket flat, but did not reckon on the sudden change of slope about 8 to 10 ft from the bottom, He fell heavily on the lower flat sustaining serious injury to both one leg and jaw, The boys were about to commence a cricket match. Mr Berry (games master) and Mr Niblett (Master on Duty) were on the Lower flat at the time, Dr Winckler was out of the station that day, The Assistant Surgeon Dr Lem (?) Singh was summoned to attend to the boy, He discovered that he had fractured a leg and his jaw.

March 16th

Dr Winckler saw Gasper today and confirmed Dr Lem Singh’s report, He advised me to send him down at once in the charge of Nurse Winckler to the Presidency General Hospital, Calcutta, They left by mail today.

March 17th

St Patrick’s Day, a half holiday as has been the custom in past years.

March 18th

First evening Prep, 7.15 - 8.45 pm It was too cold in the Hall to commence this earlier.

March 23rd

Packer dislocated a bone in his wrist by falling off the verandah in the main building.

March 24th

Four boys with fever, headache, sick feeling.

March 25th

Eight boys down with fever today.

March 26th

Three more fever cases.

March 27th

Five boys ill today, Already a few have been discharged from hospital, The weather has been particularly hot and on dusty, Boys have been repeatedly warned to wear their topees when out of the building.

March 28th

I ordered all doors and windows in the dormitories to be left wide open all night, Miss Harrison told me that boys are suffering from septic throats.

March 28th

To assist the five masters (only 4) doing duty, I asked Messrs Shannon and Berry to help by taking their share of weekend duties, which they willingly undertook to do.

March 29th

Major Steward I.M,S, spent about 3 hours enquiring into the outbreak of enteric in the Servants Lines, He particularly remarked on the cleanliness of the School generally.

March 30th

Epidemic continues, two more cases today, Maj. Stewart visited the School again, Took samples of the drinking water for examination.

March 31st

Only one admission to hospital today.

April 1st

No admission to hospital

April 3rd.

A whole holiday. Thought it would be advisable for the boys to have a full day in the open.

April 4th

Circulated Major Stewarts letter re precautions that should be taken to guard against enteric.

April 11th

In the past examinations were held weekly in the subject only, The boys were inclined to concentrate their attention in one subject only. and neglect the remainder, I proposed a new system of school tests to be held every fortnight in all the subjects, short papers to be set on the work done in the fortnight, the time allotted to each subject is as follows:-

Mathematics 1 1/4 hours
English1 1/4 hours
Geography 3/4 hour
History 3/4 hour
Hindi 1/2 hour
Latin 1 hour
Total 5 1/2 hours

Friday afternoons 11.45 am - 2.30 pm
Saturday mornings 8 am - 10.5 am

Examinations will be held on the following dates

April 11, & 12th
May 2nd & 3rd
May 16th & 17th
June 6th & 7th
June 20th & 21st

A boy obtaining less than 40% of the marks in any subject or subjects will answer those papers again on the Saturday on which there is no examination, under the supervision of the master on duty.

April 17th

Easter Holidays 18th -21st (inclusive) Service every day during Holy week and early celebration in the Holy Eucharist in Easter Morning.

April 19th

Cricket match against the Station which Victoria won by one innings and 60 runs.

April 26th

Mr Archibald of the Scripture Union gave a Lantern Lecture at Dow Hill at 6.30 pm, which the boys attended.

April 27th

Mrs Nugent handed in her resignation with effect….[missing words].

April 29th

Mr Archibald advised the School in Assembly Hall at 12 noon, about a Service in the Chapel at 4pm.

May 10th

Mr Shannon has not been well lately, He has gone on with his work but I note that this evening he was not fit enough to supervise evening study which Mr Baillie did for him..

May 14th

Mr Shannon was admitted into the Schools Hospital apparently suffering from jaundice, [See… ]
May 18th

The first service this afternoon of the Scotch Padre. Rev. G. Mills.

May 19th

Mr Shannon is causing us a deal of anxiety, I saw him today and feel that he is seriously ill.

May 22nd

Dr advised sending Mr Shannon down to the Presidency General Hospital, Calcutta, I arranged for the invalid carriage down and wired to the hospital.

May 23rd

Early this morning Miss McKechnie advised me to cancel all arrangements to send Mr Shannon down to Calcutta, as his condition was very serious, He passed away at 8.20pm, Both Fr Shiel and Rev A Waite were present at the end.

May 24th

A very sad Empire Day for Victoria School,

Requiem mass in the Catholic Chapel which was attended by the Catholic boys and members of the staff, together with Rev Waite and myself, Funeral procession left hospital at 11.30am and arrived at Cemetery at 1pm.

Children's Carnival at the club in aid of the local hospital, About 92 boys were present.

May 25th

The Lord Bishop of Calcutta confirmed 14 boys and 8 girls in the schools Chapel, The Bishop met most in the Anglican members of both Staffs, the confirmed children, and the choir at tea in the Dining Hall after the service.

May 29th

Ascension Thursday, Half Holiday.

May 31st

Mr Berry notes that the fire alarm was sounded at 8 pm, All the boys left their dormitories in an orderly manner and took up their fire stations, All buildings were cleared under 5 minutes, A fire alarm was sounded some time back at the end of a second session, Fire rules have been drawn up, I am satisfied that in an emergency the boys know exactly what is required of them.

June 3rd.

A holiday in honour of the King’s Birthday, in accordance with the orders.

June 6th

Meeting of the Governors of both Schools.

June 7th

The boys attended an entertainment at Dow Hill.

June 9th

Whit Monday. Holiday.

June 11th

Mr Staynor reported at 6.30pm that Hatton and Hindley were absent from roll call, They evidently were well on their way home at this time, Both were caned in the morning for repeatedly breaking bounds.

June 12th

I wired to both parents not to send the boys back to School.

June 13th

Mrs Hatton and Mrs Hindley arrived today from Jaidpur? and begged me to have the boys back and assured me that they were very ashamed of themselves and solemnly promised that they would not give any further trouble, I agreed.

June 14th

R Greene had a fit at about 6.30pm in the dinning room, Dr saw him the next day and thought it was due to indigestion.

June 15th

Afternoon Service by Rev. G. Mills.

June 17th

Mr Finnegan Assistant D.P.I. arrived to look into certain irregularities in the accounts.,

June 18th

Football match against Kurseong United, The School won by six goals.

June 19th

One of the Durzis was seriously assaulted by another and his wife, I held an enquiry and reported the matter the next day to the police, The injured man was removed to the Kurseong Hospital.

June 21st

Ewing down with fever this morning and Mrs Barnes was evidently weather bound, It was a particularly stormy morning. I had to keep Standards I, III & IV busy.

June 23rd

Messrs Papworth and Bottomley arrived today to inspect the School. They were shown through the building.

June 24th

Upper Classes were inspected today, Mr. Bottomley looked into the Mathematics, He was particularly pleased with the the Syllabus, drawn up by Mr Staynor, and advised that it should be followed strictly throughout the School.

June 25th

Inspection continued today. Both seemed pleased with the work of the School.

June 27th

The Staff gave a small dance, The only guests were the Senior boys and members of the Dow Hill Staff, Senior girls, and students.

June 30th

Full holiday, The American Bioscope Co. gave the boys a show in the evening.

July 1st

Mrs Barnes absent from the afternoon session, on account of illness.

July 2nd

Mrs Barnes could not attend class today.

July 3rd

Ewing cut a boy on the head with the edge of a ruler which caused it to bleed rather profusely, He took the boy to his room and left him there after putting some white stuff on the wound and returned to the class.

I went to his class room to show him Mr Marsh’s letter regarding the harsh treatment his son had suffered at his (Ewings hands). When I discovered what had occurred, I wrote to him at once not to return to his class, and leave the school at once.

July 4th

Ewing left for Calcutta, and Mrs Greene took on the work of Standard III,

Mrs Barnes could not attend class.

July 5th

Miss Baker left for Calcutta,

Mrs Barnes still absent,

A Conjurer entertained the boys from 4 - 6 pm, It was quite a good show.

July 6th

Mr Loft commences work today and Mr Martin arrived in the afternoon.

July 7th

Mrs Barnes resumed work,

Martin took charge of Standard four.

July 9th

I called in the Sub Assistant Surgeon to see a child in the Servants Line, who died the previous night, He informed me that death was due to intestinal trouble.

July 10th

Miss Baker returned from Calcutta.

July 11th

Whole holiday. The first totally fine day after a spell of wet weather lasting about ten days.

July 21st

A whole holiday after a very wet week end.

July 23rd

First session off.

Went into class for the afternoon session as it turned out wet.

July 25th

Committee consisting of Messrs. Sharp (S.D.O.), D. Winckler, Chambers and myself, decided on the sites for the Munshis house. Compounders house and the School for the servants children.

Aug 8th

Holiday went into Darjeeling.

Aug 10th

Mrs Berry reported this morning that when she went into the dormitory she found J Tan very ill, I had him removed with little delay as possible to the Central Hospital. The Dr saw him at about 9.30 and diagnosed ptomaine poisoning, but said there was no immediate danger. At about 5 pm Mrs McKechnie sent me an urgent message stating he had taken a turn for the worse. He had just got over a fit by the time I arrived at the hospital. After I left he had a second fit during which he passed away (about 7pm) before I got back again.

Aug 11th

Funeral (Military) of John Tarr at the Kurseong Cemetery at 1pm.

August 12th

Held a close enquiry on the death of Tan, Could not discover what might have caused procaine poisoning. Nobody saw him eat any tinned food. The remainder of the parcel that he had from home a few days before his death was handed to me. It consisted of the following :- Two tins of Herrings, 2 tins tooth paste, one bottle Chutney, one tin soap. The statements of the boys and staff are on record in the School Office.

August 15th

First monthly examination of the Second term. The fortnightly examinations were quite satisfactory, On account of the breaks anticipated in the second term it was considered advisable to have monthly exams when there would be an appreciable amount of work have to examine.

August. 19th

Lt. Col. Huddick of the motor tractor expedition across the Himalayas lectured at the Dow Hill on the Everest Expedition, It was rather disappointing, as he himself was not on the Everest Expedition, The pictures were very indistinct.

[See… Editor]

August 20th

Meeting of the Standing Committee at the Club.

August 21st

Major Kenworthy the Adjutant, inspected the Cadets. Complimented them on their efficiency.

August 25th

Holiday today after the long spell of wet weather, Most people agree that this is the wettest season experienced in Kurseong for may years.

Sept 1st

Wynn and Cobb ran away from School this morning, they were last observed at Chota Hazri.

Sept. 2nd

They arrived back by the 9.30 train this morning, having been sent back by the Station Master of Siliguri.

Both boys told me that they ran away because they expected a caning for having done badly in the last examination, This was of course ridiculous, They said that other boys told them that they were in for a bad time as their results were proclaimed a few days before in class others were very bad.

Sept 3rd

Cobb’s father had a long talk with me today, He came all the way from Katrasgarh on receipt of my wire that his son had run away from School, He had written and asked me not to spare the rod, as his son was making slow progress in his studies, His wife imagined that I had ill treated the boy and hence his running away, I was glad to be able to inform him that his son was not caned at all since I received his letter. He left quite satisfied that his son had absolutely no reason for his action and was very pleased for all that I had done for him.

Sept 4th

Dow Hill Girl Guides Concert which was attended by the boys.

Sept 5th

Wynn withdrawn from School

Sept 6th

Hockey match against St Joseph’s on St Paul’s ground which resulted in a win for Victoria by one goal.

Vernient (?) left today, He had been suffering for some time with ear trouble.

Sept 9th

Full holiday, in honour of the hockey victory against St Joseph’s.

Rev Waite was too ill to come up for service.

Sept 13th

Victoria won the match (Hockey) against St Paul’s on St Joseph’s grounds.

Sept 15th

Service today instead alf tomorrow.

Sept 18th

Holiday in honour of the win against St Paul’s last Saturday and after a long spell of bad weather.

Sept 19th

Hockey team go up to Darjeeling for the night, in order to be fresh next morning for the match (final for the John’s Shield).

Sept 20th

Victoria beaten in the finals by one goal by the South Wales Borderers.

Oct 2nd

Excellent gymnastic display in aid of St Dunstan’s, The attendance was poor.

Oct 3rd

Darjeeling boys left for the Puja Holidays.

October 4th

Puja Holidays commence.

October 9th

Mr Oaten, D.P.I., visited the School. He discussed with me various items on the Agenda of the general meeting of the governing Body to be held on the 23rd October.

Oct 22nd

Full Holiday, The Cadets went up to Darjeeling to attend the inspection of the N.B.M.R. by the Governor, Lord Lytton.

[See., Editor]

October 23rd

Second general meeting of the Governing Bodies of the two School, at Dow Hill.

October 24th

Annual Athletic Sports. Mr & Mrs Sharpe wife of the S.D.O. Kurseong distributed the prizes.

Mr Solomon left the School today.

October 25th

Play (The Rivals), at Dow Hill, 52 Boys attended.

October 28th

Dow Hill Sports. Half holiday.

October 29th

Goethal’s Sports, Another half holiday.

November 4th

Mr and Mrs Tarr had a long talk with me, It was quite the most painful and unpleasant hour I have ever spent, They also made enquiries connected with the death of their son from Mr Berry, Mr Shannon, Mr Waite and Mr Lofts.

Mr & Mrs Papworth arrived today.

November 6th

Mr and Mrs Tarr paid me another visit, she was not quite so unpleasant this time.

November 10th

Armistice Day Service a choir competition in Darjeeling is fixed for tomorrow.

November 11th

Whole holiday. Victoria Choirs did well at the Singing Contest in Darjeeling, the Junior Choir was first in part singing and was considered the best all round Junior Choir, Senior Choir took first place in part Singing.

November 12th

Full holiday in honour of the success of the Choirs yesterday.

November 14th

Mr and Mrs Sharp arrived from leave today.

November 26th

Distribution of Prizes, H. S. Bivar E? sq. I.C.S, S.D.O Kurseong presided.

November 29th

Closed registers.

November 30th

Last Service of term.

Dec 1st

Small Concert on the occasion of the presentation of a cheque for Rs. 191/- to Rev Waite.

December 2nd

First party of boys left for the holidays, Mr Baillie and Miss Baker in charge.

December 3rd.

Second party Mr Martin and Mrs Shannon in charge.

December 8th

Cambridge Examinations Commence, Fr. Suys Presiding Examiner.

December 13th

Examinations end.

December 14th

Boys left for holidays. Mr Staynor in charge of the party.

[Editors Note: I had some excellent assistance from a friend of mine, Mrs Fay White who kindly typed in this year. Thanks Fay.]