The Sartain Documents |
Marriages |
Extracts from the Records of the Parish of Trowbridge , Wiltshire, England: Marriages: Attest: George Cheverill Previous Records Lost. Spelling copied from the original. Parish Clerk.
Additional Sartain Records subsequent to those of Trowbridge, belonging in London, England, and Philadelphia, Pa, United States. John Sartain, of Trowbridge (my father), at the age of 31, married Ann Burgess, of Nottingham (my mother), aged 28, October 25, 1802, at the Church of St, George’s Hanover Square, London. They had five children, all born in London, as follows: 1. Ann Sartain, born Aug 22, 1803. Died in Philadelphia, May 29, 1861 (note: could be 1881, the ink is smudged. Johnf). 2. Mary Sartain, born Mar 12, 1806. Died in London of croup Feb, 1809. 3. John Sartain, born Oct 24, 1808. (Still living 1886). 4. Mary Sartain, born Aug 15, 1812. Burnt to death, her clothes catching fire, Dec 15,1820. Page 43 My sister, Ann was married June 12, 1832, in London at St. George’s Church, Hanover Square, to James Thomas Pratt, who died (in London), Nov 30, 1837, aged 28. They had two daughters, who both died young. Ann Sartain Pratt, born (in Philadelphia) Aug 17,1833. Died (in London) Oct 3, 1847. Martha Eliza Pratt, born (in London) June 7, 1836. Died (in London) July 7, 1839. Their mother, Ann Sartain Pratt, died in Philadelphia, May 29, 1881. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Myself, John Sartain (No.3), was married Jan 11, 1830, to Susannah Longmate Swaine, also of London, at the Church of St. Mary’s le Strand. London. We had eight children all born in Philadelphia, five of whom were boys, and two of them, a boy and a girl, died young. They were as follows: Samuel Sartain, born Oct 8,1830. Married , Dec 11, 1854. Henry Sartain, born July 24, 1833. Married, Oct 26, 1867. Emma Sartain, born Oct 4, 1836. Died March 4, 1837. Helen Mary Sartain, born June 13, 1838. Married, June 13, 1850. Emily Sartain, born March 17,1841. William Sartain, born Nov 21, 1843. Charles Sartain, born Aug 11, 1846 Edward Sartain, born May 21, 1849. Died Oct 13, 1851. Page 45 Samuel Sartain, my eldest son, was married at the age of 24 to Harriet A. Judd, of Waterbury, Connecticut (same age) Dec 11, 1854, at the residence of the bride’s uncle, Waterbury. Conn. They had three children, one of whom died in infancy. Edward Judd Sartain, born June 7,1860. Died Aug 27, 1860. Paul Judd Sartain, born Nov 26, 1861. Amy Sartain, born Jan 16, 1864. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Henry Sartain, my second son, was married at the age of 34, to Ann Maria Toby, of Selhurst, Surrey, England, aged 26, Oct 26, 1867 at Trinity Church, Brompton, London England. They had five children, born in Philadelphia, as follows: Page 47 Perdita Sartain, stillborn, Jan 27,1869. Helen May Sartain, born Dec 27, 1869. Edward Sartain, born Feb 22, 1872. Died Jan 6, 1873 of Diphtheria. Harried Sartain, born Dec 26, 1873. John Swaine Sartain, born Sept 24, 1877. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Helen Mary Sartain, the fourth in order of my children was married to Harry Benner Schofield, on the twenty-first anniversary of her birthday, June 13, 1859, at the residence of her parents, Schofield being aged 28. They had three children as follows: Frank Schofield, born June 9, 1860. Emily Sartain Schofield, b. Mar. 19, 1863. Died Aug 6. 1863. Percy Sartain Schofield, b. Mar. 14, 1866. Louis Sartain Schofield, b. Aug. 4, 1868. Irwin Sartain Schofield, b. April 30, 1877. John Sartain. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Emily, William and Charles remain unmarried, 1886. Note: by John Feltham.... In the copy that I am transcribing there is a note covering page 49. What follows is the contents of the note... This page is in reference to Grand Daddy’s direct relatives, parents, brothers and sister. William, Isabel and Herbert and Grand Daddy, Reginald Victor are all gone. Remaining are Walter Alfred Edward all living in England. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- By William Samuel Sartain Further additional Sartain records in a direct line from Robert Sartain and Ann Pavey. Who were my great grandparents, my grandfather Robert was the uncle Robert spoken of in the record written by Mr John Sartain, at page 35, but it is probable that he was baptised at the Hilperton church where they used to attend, and where a number of the Sartains are buried. My Grandfather Robert is shown as having married Ruth Raines, Oct 13, 1802. There were several children of this union, one of whom, John Sartain, died Dec 1879, aged 73. James Sartain, died Aug, 1904 aged 85. William Sartain Page 49 __________________________________________________________________ died in 1908, aged 85, there were also two daughters, Ann Hedges died 1883, aged about 60, and Mary Ann Ginns, died 1884: aged about 63. Another son Moses, died in Bath Hospital following an operation in 1868. Another son, Samuel Sartain, my father the youngest of the family was born at Hilperton Marsh in the Parish of Trowbridge, on Sept 21, 1835. He was married to Eliza Harris, of Westbury Leigh, Wilts, on sept 7, 1857. She was born March 24, 1824. They had three sons as follows: William Samuel Sartin, born July 25, 1858 at Hilperton Marsh. Walter James Sartin, born October 1, 1861, at Hilperton Marsh. Albert Edward Sartin, born April 4, 1864 at Westbury, Wilts. My mother Eliza Sartin, died Sept 1913 aged 89 years and six months. William Samuel Sartin (myself), was married to Mary M Walsh, Dec 6, 1879. There are eight children of this union as follows: William Albert Walsh Sartin, born Nov 24, 1885. {Died - Married} Mabel Gertrude Sartin, born June 5, 1888. {Died - Married} Herbert Stanley Sartin, born Jan 13, 1890 {Died - Married} Walter Donald Sartin, born Aug 4, 1892. Alfred Edgar Sartin, born Feb 10,, 1897. George James Sartin, born April 7, 1899 Died April 22, 1901. (Reginald victor Sartin, born March 10, 1904) Died Jan 22, 1913 (looks like 1973) Page 51 __________________________________________________________________ Edward James Sartin, born March 24, 1908. Note: by John Feltham. There is a set of parenthesis in the above list showing that William, Herbert, Walter and Alfred “Served in the Great War 1914 to the finish 1918, and onward). Samuel Sartin, (my father) was a designer and pattern weaver at Trowbridge, Wilts. And I, William Samuel Sartin, was also trained in the art of wool spinning, from the lowest stages to the highest of superfine work, in the factories at Westbury, Wilts. (The Angel and Birtham factories) owned at that time by Mr Abraham Laverton. William Samuel Sartin October, 1921. |